BaD: Bath channery silt loam, 15-25% slopes. Well-drained, strongly acid, plowlayer, fragipan 18-30", moderately steep, limited moisture retention. droughtyness in summer, rapid runoff, erosion a potential problem.
BoE: Bath and Valois soils, 25-35% slopes. Well-drained, steep, strongly acid, plow layer, good to fair moisture retention, very rapid runoff, erosion a constsnt threat, fragipan in Bath components, Valois components with no rooting restrictions.
Fm: Freshwater marsh. Permanently saturated to the surface, man-made lake.
Hc: Halsey mucky silt loam. Deep, very poorly drained, water stands at or within a few inches of the surface throughout the spring and rises to the surface frequently. Holds water and nutrients well.
HdC: Howard gravelly loam, 5-15% simple slopes. Deep, well-drained , some areas with slight to moderate erosion. Slope increases possibility of runoff, moderate ability to store water.
HdCK: Howard gravelly loam, 5-15% complex slopes. Deep, well-drained to excessively drained, rapid runoff, moderate moisture storage capacity, 5-15% of the acreage is slightly or moderately eroded.
HdD: Howard gravelly loam, 15-25% slopes. Rapid runoff in heavy rains, moist areas with some erosion, moderate moisture storing capacity.
Hpe: Howard and Palmyra soils, 25-35% slopes. Well drained, good to fair moisture-holding capacity, rapid runoff, erosion a constant threat.
HsC3: Hudson silty clay loam, 6-12% slopes, eroded. Well-drained to moderately well-drained, depleted organic matter content, rapid runoff, moderately eroded (10% uneroded) with seriopus erosion hazard, plow layer in relatively poor physical condition.
HsD3: Hudson silty clay loam, 12-20% slopes, eroded. Moderately steep, plow layer, forested areas and a few pastured areas are uneroded, subject to continuing serious erosion. Droughty (loses much water to very rapid runoff).
HzE: Hudson and Dunkirk soils, 20-45% slopes. well-drained, most cleared areas are moderately or severely eroded, plow layer.
LoF: Lordstown soils, 35-75% slopes. Very steep, forested valley sides, soil depth ranges from none to 4 or 5 feet within short distances, well-drained, droughty, ledgy.
Ws: Wayland and Sloan silt loams. deep, fertile, poorly drained to very poorly drained, frequently flooded, wet-tolerant plants dominant.